The best tutors are experienced qualified teachers. ... Build a rapport with all of their students. ... Adapt to the student's needs. ... Frequently communicate with the parents. ... Have an open and honest relationship with their students. ... Act professionally and respectably.

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Be interprenures😊

Fertilizers are food for plants. Fertilizers replace the nutrients that crops remove from the soil. Without the addition of fertilizers, crop yields and agricultural productivity would be significantly reduced. Why do farmers use fertilizers? To grow healthy crops full of nutrients, farmers need to ensure they have healthy soil. Without fertilizers, nature struggles to replenish the nutrients in the soil. When crops are harvested, important nutrients are removed from the soil, because they follow the crop and end up at the dinner table. Advantages of applying fertilisers to the land:--- It increases crop yield and improves poor quality land. Manure improves soil texture, recycles nitrogen and introduces essential bacteria. Pasture is improved so animals fatten up quicker. Once marshland is drained, fertilisers can help reclaim that land for pasture. What are fertilizers give examples? Organic fertilizers Examples of naturally occurring organic fertilizers include manure, slurry, worm castings, peat, seaweed and guano. Green manure crops are also grown to add nutrients to the soil. ... Examples of manufactured organic fertilizers include compost, bloodmeal, bone meal and seaweed extracts. What are the advantages of fertilizers? Advantages of applying fertilisers to the land: It increases crop yield and improves poor quality land. Manure improves soil texture, recycles nitrogen and introduces essential bacteria. Pasture is improved so animals fatten up quicker. Once marshland is drained, fertilisers can help reclaim that land for pasture...

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